Health News

Can Low-Carb Help Gestational Diabetes?
Gestational diabetes is one common pregnancy complication women might face. How much can a woman's diet influence her treatment for this condition?
Caring for Stomachs During IBS Awareness Month
Diet changes and relaxation techniques can relieve abdominal pain. Pains that last too long – even with medicine – could be a sign of a more serious condition: irritable bowel syndrome.
Hip Stem Cells Repair Failing Hearts
Stem cells have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. For those with heart failure, stem cells may offer a new means for fixing damaged tissue.
Anorexia Loses When Period Returns
Dangerous weight loss as a result of an eating disorder can get in the way of a normal menstrual cycle. But when treatment works, girls gain weight and get their cycle back.
Childhood Woes Impact Adult Stability
For alcoholics, suicide attempts may have more to do with childhood troubles than their current circumstances. Looking at their whole past may shed light on future risks.
Teen Idlers May Get Real “Heart Throbs”
Unfortunately, many teens today have bad health habits. If they are inactive and eating poorly now, they could be increasing their odds of having heart disease as adults.
Leveling Racial Differences of Hypertension
Ethnic minorities and those with lower incomes and education tend to have higher blood pressure and less blood pressure control. Primary care could make a difference.
RA Patients Who Take a Spill
From pain and fatigue to joint damage, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can make it hard for patients to move around. These symptoms may even lead them to trip, stumble and tumble over.
Eating Away at Depression
Some people with depression aren’t interested in food, but there are others who eat too much. Emotional eating from depression can trigger serious weight gain resulting in obesity.
Teen Death from Chickenpox Reported
A 15-year-old girl died from chickenpox in 2009, reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today. Although death from this virus is rare, it can and still does occur.