CancerInfo Center
The Cancer Chicken Dance
Do you know the chicken dance? Make a beak with your hands and quake them four times, fold your arms into wings and flap them as you jut your head out while pecking and wiggle downward shaking your tail feathers.
Enhancing the Quality of Life
We don't like to talk about dying. But it happens. Cancer takes the breath away. So how can the quality of life be enhanced at the end of life? A new study looked into this important issue.
World's Fastest Camera Catches Cancer
It's a lofty undertaking to go through about a billion cells to identify and pin down a handful of circulating cancer tumor cells. This seemingly impossible mission is now being achieved.
"Death Carrot" Comes to Cancer
Arab caravans call the weed "death carrot" because it kills camels if they eat it. While it may not be so good for camels, this toxic Mediterranean weed - Thapsia garganica - may prove to be a very useful anticancer therapy.
New Lung Cancer Screening Recommendations
If you've been a decades-long smoker, you need to be screened for lung cancer. Any doctor will tell you that. Now a task force has compiled formal lung cancer screening guidelines.
What's Burning in a Sunburn?
If you're light-skinned, you probably know what a sunburn is - you turn red, it's tender to the touch or flat out painful. It's a drag. So what causes all this? Scientists may now know.
Cancer's Musical Chairs
A lot of medical research may not prove beneficial to patients right away, but all research advances the disease knowledge base. Such is the case with a new study relating to multiple myeloma , a rare blood cancer.
Chemo Extends Lives of Patients with Rare Pancreatic Cancer
Periampullary cancer, a rare form of pancreatic cancer, is actually a collection of malignancies. This cancer (adenocarcinoma) forms in and around the top of the pancreas in places like the ampulla where the bile and pancreatic ducts connect.
Expanding the Prostate Cancer Fight
Androgens are sometimes called the "male hormones." They contribute to a man's sexual functions and are associated with secondary characteristics like chest and facial hair.
Calming the Cancer of Inflammation
Inflammatory bowel diseases ( IBD ) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are major risk factors for colorectal cancer. Why? Because these diseases cause constant inflammation - something cancer thrives on.