CancerInfo Center

Location, Location, Where is the Cancer Located?
Scientists are beginning to realize that cancer tumors are as unique as the people in whose bodies they form. This reality was borne out in recent pediatric brain cancer research.
Metabolic Links to Leukemia
The link between cancer and the body's metabolism is a scientific focus that is bearing more fruit. An " oncometabolite " is cancer-causing metabolite that's involved in the development and progression of cancer.
Intriguing Pancreatic Cancer Study
Pancreatic cancer doesn't currently have effective treatment options. That could be changing with a novel chemotherapy agent currently being tested in Germany.
HPV Shots Empower the Community
One of the benefits of immunization is that a large enough population of vaccinated individuals can often provide protection even for those not vaccinated in the community.
Jamming the Lung Cancer Revolving Door
One of the unfortunate aspects of lung cancer is that it tends to have a high rate of recurrence. It can be treated successfully only to return, and that return often comes far too soon.
Preserve Fertility for Life After Cancer
Young women who require chemotherapy or other cancer treatment may find that the treatment risks permanent damage to their fertility - but science is catching up.
Combination Radiation Lowers Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Radiation therapy is often used at some point in treating prostate cancer. A recently published study finds that a combination of radiation therapies may be an effective treatment option that decreases problematic side effects.
Why Cancer 'Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'
So how does cancer outsmart drugs to keep on growing? Researchers are finding some answers in most unlikely places.
More Studies Find Bladder Cancer Risk
People with type 2 diabetes have an elevated risk of several types of cancer, including liver and pancreatic cancer. The use of one diabetic medication increases the risk of another form of cancer.
Who Should Pay for This Cancer Screening?
Not too many people even like to think about what's involved in a colonoscopy. This may be why 40-50 percent of folks just skip the colorectal cancer screening.