CancerInfo Center
Drink Up. Coffee may Lower Your Cancer Risk
We've had more good news than bad coming out about coffee these days. Its health benefits are being touted in a number of arenas, and that list has just expanded.
Drinking more cups of caffeinated may lower your risk of the most common type of skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma.
That's the news coming out of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.
Drink coffee freely - it may help
Associate Professor, Jiali Han, PhD, said that these "results add basal cell carcinoma to a list of conditions for which risk is decreased with inc...
Are Cancer Drugs Improving?
The enormous number of drugs available at the pharmacy begins to make sense when you realize that a lot of these drugs are related. Some scientists feel that despite these offerings, there's always room for improvement.
With a Little Help From My Friends
Things always go a little easier when you've got a friend by your side. As it turns out, that's true on a cellular level as well.
More Cancers Associated with HPV?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is probably most notorious for causing cervical cancer. The list of cancers associated with HPV has grown recently, and a new study may add two more cancer types to the list.
With Testosterone, It's Love and Hate
Cancer patients have to filter through a lot of very unfamiliar terms that only vaguely seem to make any sense. It's a lot to process, during a very emotional time.
Urine Test for Colon Cancer?
Metabolomics is the science of examining the waste products of cells. In other words, it looks at the end products of cell metabolism.
Some Surgeons Set in Their Ways
Medicine can be a conservative field, and even when there is clear evidence in support of doing things differently, it may take some time for those changes to filter into practice.
Surgery for Obese is Risky Business
There's a long list of problems that being overweight can cause, and we all know the list by heart. But new research shows that being fat may have additional risks for surgery including kidney damage.
What HER2 in Stomach Cancers Means
HER2 stands for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and is most often seen as HER2 . It's a cell protein that stimulates cancer cells to grow. Its presence usually indicates an aggressive cancer.
Sprycel Picks Up the Pieces
With all the differences that can occur on a molecular level between one person and another, it shouldn't be surprising that a medication may not work as well for everyone.