CancerInfo Center

Banishing HPV-Related Cancers
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is more menacing than previously believed. In addition to causing 99 percent of cervical cancers, the virus is linked to some types of oral and other genital malignancies.
Big Genetic Research for Small Patients
Children diagnosed with cancer are living longer than ever before. Some forms of the disease are essentially cured. Now, scientists are beginning to understand a tumor that's much more life-threatening.
Old Wonder Drug for Pancreatic Cancer?
A low-cost, proven medication is taking on another cancer. Metformin has gone toe-to-toe with pancreatic cancer stem cells and won.
Skip the CT Scan if you Can
We're all surrounded by so many things that could potentially cause cancer - what can we do to protect ourselves? To avoid breast cancer, there's one thing a woman needs to do above all else.
Blood Relatives of Breast Cancer
What if a simple blood test alerted you years in advance that you had elevated risks of breast cancer? Would you take it? You may have a choice in the near future.
Cancer Trials Assess the Fire, not the Smoke
About 50 percent of all cancers are related to tobacco use, which also interferes with the effectiveness of treatments. A person's history with tobacco is important if they're participating in a cancer study. 
Risky Questions Produce Better Cancer Answers
Ideally, doctors would like a way to prevent cancer, but catching it as early as possible is the next best thing. For cancers that occur deep in the abdomen, like bladder cancer, it's a difficult task.
Cancer Detectives on Stakeout
While there are a lot of fancier ways to phrase it, m etabolomics is the field of tracking cancers by looking in their trash. As it turns out, it's quite effective.
A Hard Look at Soft Cancers
Sometimes when you go to the doctor, you wonder - how do they keep up with all the recent research and treatment options for all of this stuff? How do they know how chemotherapies stack up against each other?
Patchwork-Kill for Skin Cancer
Not all cancer treatments have to be a major life event. For one type of skin cancer, researchers just slapped a fancy band-aid on it.