Mental HealthInfo Center
She's Gone Country — and She's Happy
City life can be more chaotic than country living, with the honking horns, sirens and lights late into the night. Perhaps the more hectic environments of urban areas explain recent findings related to postpartum depression.
Lifestyles of the Happy
Depression and anxiety can be difficult to overcome, and medications can often help. Some lifestyle changes may help, as well.
Smoking Ban at Casinos Lowers Health Gamble
When it comes to heart and lung health, Colorado gamblers may have hit the jackpot. Since the ban on smoking in casinos in the state, ambulance calls in one county have dropped.
Smoke-Free Doesn’t Kill Appetites
When you’re hungry, you may want to inhale a meal but not secondhand smoke. State laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants are delivering health benefits and not eating away at business.
Parents, Teach Your Children About Smoking
"Do as I say, not as I do," may be an attractive saying for parents, but it may not work very well. When it comes to smoking in particular, children often follow their parents' examples.
The Stuff You Want Snuffed Out
They say where there's smoke, there's fire. But even if there's not smoke, there could still be a problem — when you're talking about tobacco and kids, that is.
Taking the Appeal Out of Cigarette Packages
Consumers are told not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it’s hard not to. For cigarette smokers, the way the package is designed does seem to have an impact on its appeal.
When Love Gets in the Stomach’s Way
Love makes people do some strange things. It may even affect people's eating and dieting habits. When people want their loved ones to diet, it's a lot more likely to happen.
A Weight Off Your Chest
For some curvy women, extra large breasts can cause physical pain, trouble exercising and difficulty sleeping. As a result, many women choose to have breast reduction surgery.
How Mom's State of Mind Affects Obesity
It can be challenging to raise children to be healthy, nutritious eaters. It may be tougher when mom has her own challenges to face. But options are available to help with both.