Mental HealthInfo Center
When Kids Dread the Dentist
Fear of the dentist has been mocked in countless films and TV shows. However, it's a very real concern for many people – especially children. Being afraid of the dentist can lead to long-term problems with oral health.
Mediating the Effects of Child Abuse
Are there factors that can help protect victims of child abuse from developing issues as adults? New research says yes, and marriage and education may play a role.
Teens Need Better Psychiatric Follow-Up
Teenagers who require hospitalization for mental health problems continue to be at risk for future problems. Yet they may not be getting the care they need.
Full Moon Madness
Healthcare professionals have held onto superstitions about the full moon increasing the risk of psychological problems in emergency rooms. Psychologists in Canada found the truth!
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Does Car Pollution Relate to Autism?
With the increase in cases of autism, researchers are constantly looking for possible causes of the condition. A new study looks at whether air pollution from traffic might play a role.
Gender Differences in Alzheimer’s
Men and women are different in many ways, and their brains are a bit different, too. So researchers wanted to know how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affected the brains of men and women.
Know When to Hold 'Em…
Serious gambling problems can destroy the life of a gambler and his loved ones. Researchers are now learning how to tell earlier on who might be more likely to develop a gambling problem.
Keeping Active to Slow Alzheimer’s
An active lifestyle can keep you healthy. Staying active may also slow the loss of brain tissue that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A recent study presented at conference found that the more calories elderly people burned doing physical activities, like yard work, the fewer brain cells they lost.
Defendant, Did You Take Your Meds Today?
There's a common misconception that all criminals are mentally ill or those with psychiatric disorders are more likely to commit crimes. Neither may be true – if the illness is treated. But untreated mental health conditions may play a role in some crimes.