Mental HealthInfo Center
Like Mother, Like Daughter – Years Later
Anxiety tends to be more common among women than men, according to various studies. But researchers don't know why. Now they're learning that it may have to do with baby girls' environment.
Don't Be a Hard Head!
Hitting the slopes shouldn't involve hitting your head. Though helmets may be bulky and make hearing more difficult, wearing one can protect your noggin and your life.
Autism Skin Treatment for Mercury
Some web sources say that removing heavy metals, like mercury, can cure autism. Science doesn’t back up this claim. And some chelation therapies to remove metals may not even work.
1 Part Genes, 7 Parts Peers
Yes, there are genes involved with alcoholism, but starting to abuse alcohol with friends at an early age may be the real problem. Good habits - and bad ones - start early.
Female Freshman and Unsafe Drinking
College is supposed to be a safe place to learn, but it can also be a place to learn bad habits. Using alcohol to cope with bad feelings during college can carry over into adult life. A recent study’s findings showed a 17 percent increase in bad alcohol-related behavior.
Common Chemicals a Problem for Kids
Sometimes trying to address one problem can cause another. This may be the case with flame retardant chemicals. They are supposed to help prevent fires, b ut they may cause health issues.
Depression Drugs Get a New Warning
Zyvox ( linezolid ) and an injectable dye used in many tests may interact with some antidepressants. New safety warnings were issued by the FDA.
Fewer Young Adults Smoking in US
Want to save nearly half a million people in the US from dying each year? Get them to stop smoking. Fortunately, fewer young adults are smoking.
TBI and Pesticide Increase Risk of Parkinson's
While the exact causes of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are unknown, it is likely to be from a mixture of environmental and genetic factors. Having exposure to more than one risk factor could increase the chances of developing the disease.
Smoking in Cars with Kids
It is known that secondhand smoke can be harmful to those exposed, especially in confined spaces like cars.