Mental HealthInfo Center

Young Adults Taking 12 Steps
It can be tough for young addicts to get involved in 12 step groups full of older folks. But if they do find a 12 step group where they can really engage, success rates are high.
Gene Uncorks Pancreatitis in Heavy Drinkers
Excessive drinking has been linked to chronic pancreatitis, but only a fraction of alcoholics get the disease. A gene mutation can identify men who are at highest risk.
Fairies and Monsters and Ghosts, Oh My!
Being afraid of the dark or a bogeyman in the closet is common for young children. But that doesn't make it easier on parents dealing with frightened kids. The secret is for parents to understand why kids get scared and to use it to their advantage.
Where There's Smoke, Reading Suffers
Women have heard over and over not to smoke while pregnant. But the difference it can make is still sometimes surprising. A very positive surprise when considering children's reading skills.
What Do They Say About Big Babies?
So what do they say about big babies? Well, aside from bigger feet, bigger arms, bigger toes and a bigger nose, it appears they have bigger brains too.
It Takes a Village
Children who have experienced multiple traumas face many challenges including possible PTSD, depression and anxiety. A combination of therapy and social services could provide the necessary support for a child to overcome these problems.
Meditation Boosts Heart Health
Meditation may not be high on your to-do list if you have a busy lifestyle. It makes sense to find time to unwind because the added relaxation may offer your heart a boost.
Your Brain on Stress & Drinking
Why do people drink when they’re stressed? And why do some people stop after a drink or two and others let things turn into problem drinking?
Quitting Tougher for Some Pregnant Women
Knowing not to smoke during pregnancy and actually quitting are two different things. It can be very tough to give up smoking, especially if you have other conditions.
Insomnia, Dementia and Sleep Meds
People with sleep problems may be more likely to develop dementia. A recent study found that taking a sleep med for a long time ups the risk.