Mental HealthInfo Center

Night Shift in Mid-Life Not Linked to Mental Decline
Working overnight shifts can disrupt sleep patterns and potentially have negative effects on a person's long-term health. It's possible that mental function could be affected.
Smoking Might Be Worse Than Thought
Smoking is unhealthy — no doubt about it. And new research is suggesting that the habit might be even worse than previously thought.
Of Diabetes and Depression
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can be challenging. That challenge can take its toll on a person, especially if that person is a child.
Consistent Bedtimes Good for Children
Children's attempts to delay bedtime become the stuff of folklore at times. But staying firm about a consistent bedtime can be important.
The Mind Matters in Reducing Heart Problems
When it comes to improving heart health, the mind can be a powerful tool.  For those with heart disease, psychological therapies can decrease the likelihood of heart attack and death.
Antidepressants Linked to Diabetes Risk
More people than ever are taking antidepressants, and concerns have been raised that these medications may affect blood sugar levels and possibly lead to diabetes.
More Calories for Faster Anorexia Recovery
Anorexia is a serious eating disorder that can lead to hospitalization. Those hospitalized for it often require "re-feeding" to recover.
Does Autism Hinder the Job Search?
Children with autism may face a number of challenges as they are growing up. And some of those challenges may continue into adulthood as well.
Bipolar Disorder Versus Borderline Personality Disorder
Depression can be a symptom of both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Because of a patient's depressive symptoms, these two conditions may often be misdiagnosed or confused.
Early Bloomers Smoking and Drinking Before Peers
Puberty is an important milestone on the road to growing up. But hitting puberty early may lead some kids to try adult substances earlier than other kids.