Mental HealthInfo Center

Confused, Sick and Hospitalized
Making it through a hospital stay with a serious illness and a visit to the intensive care unit can take a toll on someone. While the body can heal, researchers are urging patients and caregivers to be aware of some mental health issues that can present after discharge.
Retiring to Excessive Drinking
As people enter their senior years, they may not drink quite as much as they did in their wild and crazy youth. But many seniors still may drink more than they should, when it comes to their health.
Fewer Teens Lighting Up
Considering that most smokers start before turning 18, it’s important that minors don't pick up the habit. Fortunately, smoking among American youth has been losing popularity.
Bariatric Surgery and Post-Op Pain Meds
Obesity doesn't just lead to conditions that can cause issues over time; it can also bring about daily pain in the body. This pain, often in the joints or the back, may lead some obese people to rely on certain pain medications — a topic explored in a new study.
Heart Meds and Healthy Minds
Statins, a type of medication used to lower cholesterol, recently underwent some label changes. This caused some confusion about a potential association with cognition problems, including short-term memory loss.
Understanding the Autistic Brain in Sleep
Children with autism can have difficulties with communication skills, social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Might they have difficulties with sleeping patterns as well?
When the Stress Goes to Your Head
Certain events in our lives can cause very high levels of stress. From deaths and divorce to losing a job, the stress of these events might last longer than we realize.
When First Graders Know Marlboro
It was only a few decades ago that kids could recognize Joe Camel as easily as they recognized Mickey Mouse. Young children's ability to recognize cigarette brands appears to be global.
More Kids' ER Visits Doesn't Mean Worse Injuries
The issue of brain injury in children from playing sports has gained attention over the past several years. But that doesn't mean the injuries themselves have gotten worse.
Mental Health Medication Trends for Kids
Diagnosing very young children with behavioral conditions can be challenging. Deciding how to treat them, and whether to use medication, is a challenge as well.