Mental HealthInfo Center

It's More Than Beauty Sleep
How much people sleep can have an impact on their health. However, the relationship between sleep duration and chronic diseases has not been well studied. A recent study was conducted to examine sleep duration in relationship to various illnesses.
Risks of Depression with Pregnancy
More awareness exists today about postpartum depression than in the past. But now women are becoming aware of another concern — prenatal depression.
Ice Pack For Freezing Surgical Pain
Lessening the pain that frequently follows major abdominal surgery is critical as patients begin their recovery. Strong, pain-relieving opioid medications typically are prescribed at the start of that healing process.
Severe Bumps on the Brain Can Kill
The brain controls all bodily functions, and severe injury to the brain can not only impair those functions, but could also result in premature death.
Doubling Down on Double Mastectomies
Learning you have breast cancer can be shocking and life-changing. Some women don’t ever want to go through the experience again and choose to have both of their breasts removed to protect themselves, even if the cancer is limited to only one breast. A new study looked at the survival benefits of such a decision.
Staying Sober for a New Liver
Liver transplant patients with a history of alcohol abuse often go through a treatment program before surgery. But the temptation to drink doesn’t stop once the surgery is over.
Growing a Baby in Dirty Air
The environment around a pregnant woman can influence a growing baby. High levels of pollution may be one thing that affects a developing baby.
Dealing with Restless Legs
Researchers don't know what causes restless legs syndrome, which causes discomfort and a compulsion to move the legs when trying to sleep. But they have identified some treatment options for those who suffer from the disorder.
Bipolar Youth at Risk for Substance Abuse?
Bipolar disorder has been previously linked with substance abuse in adolescents. It's possible that certain symptoms or behaviors can help target youth before they develop a substance use disorder.
Harder Workout Keeps the Legs At Ease
With restless legs, maybe the key is just to keep them moving with exercise. But movement alone is not quite what the legs need to keep them from being restless at night.