Health News

Surgeons' Ultrasound Saw More Before Cancer Surgery
Once cancer is diagnosed, imaging tests are usually performed to see if the cancer has spread. Medical imaging specialists (radiologists) usually perform these tests, but that shouldn’t always be the case, according to a new review.
When Headaches Are a Sign of Poisoning
As the winter months approach and people spend more time inside, hospitals might begin to see more and more cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Psoriasis Tied to Kidney Problems
The skin condition psoriasis has been linked to other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. Now, psoriasis could be tied to major damage to the kidneys.
Obesity Rates Stay Stable
From the White House to the classroom to the kitchen table, a lot of f ocus has been devoted to the troubling issue of obesity in the United States. Though awareness of the issue might be increasing, is the problem being solved?
Youth Mood After TBI
A car accident, fall from a bicycle or sports injury could result in a traumatic brain injury for a young adult. Even after the brain heals, a young person with a brain injury may still experience symptoms years later.
Drinking Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
Millions of Americans enjoy an alcoholic beverage here and there, which some research has concluded can even be healthy. But heavy drinking can take a real toll on the body; it has been linked to heart problems and risk factors for diabetes.
Good Heart Health with Type 2 Diabetes
Heart problems are a serious and common issue for patients with type 2 diabetes. Controlling diabetes might reduce their heart risks, but that protection might depend on the specific diabetes treatment.
Fake IDs May Fuel Underage Drinking
To legally buy and drink alcohol, a person must meet a minimum age requirement set by each state. Such laws aim to protect those who are underage from the damage done by drinking alcohol.
No Kidney Stones from Vitamin D, Says Study
Vitamin D supplements are often suggested to help prevent a variety of conditions. But there have been concerns that too much vitamin D might be harmful. 
Trends for Treating a Bleeding Nose
While it may be difficult to know when and where a nosebleed will happen, treatment options are much easier to determine.