Health News

Benzo Abuse Appeared Uncommon
While certain medications can be valuable treatment options, they also may come with a risk of dependence and abuse. A recent study looked at the risks related to a type of medication used to treat anxiety and insomnia.
Radiation vs. Surgery for Bladder Cancer
Even though surgery is commonly used to remove solid tumors, some patients are unable or unwilling to undergo the operation. In such cases, doctors rely on other forms of treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation.
The Role of Stress in Confusion After Surgery
It's not odd to feel a little foggy headed after certain surgeries. But once the anesthesia has worn off, continued confusion may be a sign of a bigger problem. This type of confusion may lead to serious complications later.
UTI Treatment in the Hospital
Urinary tract infections are often painful, bothersome, and if you visit a hospital for treatment, expensive. A new study shows which people may be more likely to be treated in an emergency room or hospital for these infections.
Caregivers' Life Span May Be Longer
As the population ages, more and more people are taking on the role of caregiver, supporting older relatives as they age. It has been suggested that the stress of this role can bring health problems, but a new study found that caregivers may actually live longer.
Numbing Breast Cancer Numbers
Most breast cancers are treated with surgery to remove either the tumor or the breast itself. Either operation requires some form of anesthesia to numb the body from pain and put the patient to sleep. New research suggests the type of anesthesia used during breast cancer surgery may affect outcomes.
Two Treatments to Unblock Arteries in Diabetes
In some cases, diabetes patients may turn to surgery and other procedures to treat their heart problems. There are many different procedures to treat any number of heart-related issues, and researchers have been curious which one is best for diabetes patients with narrowed arteries.
Doctors Referring Prostate Cancer Screening in Older Men
Prostate cancer screening using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test is generally not recommended for men over the age of 75. But this recommendation doesn’t seem to be taking hold in practice. Men in their seventh and eighth decades are still having PSA tests.
Morning Sickness Med Not Linked to Birth Defects
Millions of pregnant women are no strangers to morning sickness. It can strike any time, morning or night, and some women may seek a way to treat it.
Asthma Linked to E. Coli Bloodstream Infections
People with asthma tend to have a higher risk of developing breathing-related infections. But it seems asthma also may be associated with other types of bacterial infections.