Health News

The Weight of Surviving Breast Cancer
Being overweight or obese can increase one’s odds for a number of diseases, including cancer. But it's not only weight that can affect cancer risk; ethnicity may play a role as well.
A Blood Test for IBS
Certain gastrointestinal disorders are difficult to diagnose, but a new development might help bring a little more certainty to the process.
US Outpacing UK in Autism Rates
Autism has received increasing amounts of attention in recent years. The increases in autism rates in the US have spurred other countries to reassess their rates of autism.
Language Challenges for Children of Teens
Having a baby as a teenager can present various challenges to these new, young moms. Those challenges may influence the way their children develop as well.
Dual Rx Therapy Stalled Pancreatic Cancer
Good news on the pancreatic cancer front has been slow for some time now. But the situation may have changed, as a new study suggests that a combination of two medications may improve the outlook for patients whose pancreatic cancer has spread.
Eating Plants to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Eating nutritious fruits and vegetables is an important part of keeping your body strong and healthy. A new study shows that a plant-based diet may also play a role in preventing cancer.
RA and Related Conditions Worldwide
As treatments for rheumatoid arthritis have improved, the long-term outlook for patients also has become much better. But other conditions linked to rheumatoid arthritis can still be a barrier to an otherwise healthy life.
Kidney Patients Staying Heart Healthy
People who have kidney disease should take care of another crucial organ: the heart. A recent review looked at the effects of lowering blood pressure on heart health for people who suffer from kidney disease.
Iron Supplements for Children Found Beneficial
When children's bodies do not have enough iron, it may contribute to the risk for a disorder called anemia. But does receiving iron supplements reduce this risk?
Boosting Mood During Kidney Dialysis
Physical illness can be a mental and emotional downer. Patients with kidney failure who are regularly hooked up to dialysis certainly aren't immune to sadness. Fortunately, there may be ways to lift their spirits and their physical health.