Health News

How Food Portion Size Affects How We Eat
People who are dieting are commonly told to reduce portion size. However, a new review shows that changing portion sizes to affect calorie intake is a more complicated issue.
Some Herbal Products May Not be All They Seem
Many people use herbal products as alternatives or supplements to medication. But are they really taking what they think they're taking?
Imaging Cancer Outlook
One of the frustrating facts about cancer is that doctors can’t tell if it’s going to come back after treatment. This may be changing, though, for lung cancer. An imaging technology has been found to be able to predict who may need more treatment.
Two-Med Combo to Prevent Diabetes
For people who show signs of type 2 diabetes, controlling weight may be a key part of keeping their condition from getting worse. A recent study suggests that one combination medication could play a role in preventing diabetes.
Anti-TNF Medication Soothed Psoriatic Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis share many characteristics. While a certain class of medications — called anti-TNFs — has been shown to be a helpful treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, it remains unclear how well they work for patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Higher Risk of High Pressure for Heavy Kids
While only a small percentage of children have high blood pressure, those who do may face serious health problems. Overweight children may be especially at risk yet show no signs.
A Bone to Pick for Postmenopausal Women
As women age, osteoporosis — a condition that makes the bones weak and more likely to break — becomes a greater concern. As a result, preventing osteoporosis may become more important for older women. 
More Calories for Faster Anorexia Recovery
Anorexia is a serious eating disorder that can lead to hospitalization. Those hospitalized for it often require "re-feeding" to recover.
Does Autism Hinder the Job Search?
Children with autism may face a number of challenges as they are growing up. And some of those challenges may continue into adulthood as well.
Using Fewer Clinics May Be Better for HIV Care
Reliable and consistent care for HIV-infected people is a necessity. Using multiple care centers for treatment may not allow patients to get the right amount or kind of care.