Health News

Faster Heart Attack Care Led to Faster Return to Work
When a person has a heart attack, fast treatment is key to a fast recovery. A delay in restoring blood flow to arteries may mean a slow return back to normal activities, including work.
Physical Activity May Reduce Risk of Esophageal Cancer
Staying physically active isn’t just about weight control anymore. No, being physically fit is increasingly seen as a way to stave off serious illness – including some types of cancer.
Keeping Little Legs Active
It's important for all children to get a regular amount of physical activity each day. Sometimes, the amount they get is affected by factors at preschool.
Mind Over Tummy Troubles
It's not unusual for some children to experience stomach pains for no apparent reason. This pain usually goes away on its own. But a little mind over matter might help too.
Of Diabetes and Depression
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can be challenging. That challenge can take its toll on a person, especially if that person is a child.
Consistent Bedtimes Good for Children
Children's attempts to delay bedtime become the stuff of folklore at times. But staying firm about a consistent bedtime can be important.
Preventing Wheezing in Little Ones
Babies born earlier than their due dates can often be at higher risk for certain diseases. With a usually weaker immune system, they may benefit from protective measures.
Weighing in on Teen Cancer Risks
Obesity in adults is linked to increased risks of esophageal cancer, a nasty disease that’s on the rise in the US, Europe and Israel. Researchers have now discovered that being overweight earlier in life may also influence cancer risks.
The Mind Matters in Reducing Heart Problems
When it comes to improving heart health, the mind can be a powerful tool.  For those with heart disease, psychological therapies can decrease the likelihood of heart attack and death.
Antidepressants Linked to Diabetes Risk
More people than ever are taking antidepressants, and concerns have been raised that these medications may affect blood sugar levels and possibly lead to diabetes.