Health News

Vietnam Vets, Agent Orange and Prostate Cancer
Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War to kill dense vegetation. The chemical created better views of what was going on on the ground. Agent Orange sometimes had dioxin in it – a powerful toxin that may cause cancer.
A Little Boost from Formula
Breast milk may be the best food we have to offer newborns, but that does not mean formula offers no value. In fact, formula use may help breastfeeding efforts in some situations.
Getting Mama's Milk in the NICU
Babies born early or with health conditions often require advanced care in the NICU. Yet it's still best if these babies can receive human milk while getting this specialized care.
Texting, Driving Teens Take More Risks
The dangers of texting and driving have been well established, especially for less experienced drivers. But teens who admit to texting while driving may be taking other risks as well.
More Lead Means Lagging Reading Scores
Lead is a well-known environmental risk for children. Too much exposure to lead can have long-term effects on a child's brain. And it may not take much lead to have an effect.
When Teen Mom Welcomes Baby #2
The number of teenagers having a second baby has dropped since 2007. However, about one in five girls in the US is still having a repeat birth in her adolescence.
Needing a Little Help from Their Friends
Even if adults over age 65 are living on their own, they still may be experiencing memory problems or confusion. Many of these adults may also need help for daily activities.
Celiac's Focus on the Family
While families can pass down a lot of things from one generation to the next, one thing that unfortunately gets caught in the mix is celiac disease.
Faces of Arthritis in May
There's osteoarthritis. And rheumatoid arthritis. And infectious arthritis, childhood arthritis, Still's disease, lupus, Sjogren's disease and many more. In total, there are more than 100 kinds of arthritis.
Wheeze Relief
Pre-term babies are at risk of developing a variety of complications and health issues as they grow. One common issue for these children is wheezing.