Health News

Hard Lives Take a Toll on Kids' Bodies
It's no surprise that being abused is linked to various health concerns in children. Other forms of hardship, though, might also influence a child's health.
Predicting the Return of Bladder Cancer
Here’s the scenario: someone has bladder cancer, and the bladder is removed as part of the treatment. So, can bladder cancer return, even though the organ is no longer there? What do you think?
Can Sunshine Ward Off a Heart Attack?
While too much exposure to the sun’s rays may lead to skin cancer, soaking up some sun may brighten your health by lowering blood pressure and cutting the risk of heart attack and stroke.
A Roller Coaster Ride into the ER
As the summer months approach, millions of children look forward to rides at amusement parks. Yet even well-regulated rides can pose risks to children, especially with accidental falls.
Breast Cancer Patients Want to Have Fun!
It would be difficult to call breast cancer treatment fun. So it’s not surprising that breast cancer patients love to have a little fun with family and friends.
Extra Focus Needed with Insomnia Rx
A common insomnia medication can be dangerous unless taken with care. Bad reactions between medications or not following instructions and warning labels can send users to the emergency room.
When Extra Sugar Ain't Sweet
Over-consumption of food and calories has been problematic across the US. Certain populations in particular are eating extra calories from sugars hidden in food at home.
Good News for Kids With Kidney Disease
For children with end stage kidney disease, dialysis may be necessary to survive. Over the past 20 years, improvements in dialysis have led to lower rates of death.
Slim Down or Pay Up
It’s a topic that is sure to spark debate – is making obese adults pay more for health insurance unless they commit to a healthier lifestyle coercive and discriminatory or is it fair and good for society? And given the choice, will people make healthy changes or will they hand over the cash?
The Trade-Offs of Spinal Surgeries
As people age, their spines can go through a fair amount of wear and tear which, in some cases, can lead to spinal stenosis. Surgery isn't necessary for every spinal stenosis patient, but when it is, which procedure should patients choose?