Health News

A Bone to Pick with IBS
With certain stomach and intestinal tract conditions, weak bones can result. The same holds true for patients with abnormal bowel movements.
Prostates Seem to Need 'Sound-Sleep'
If you have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, you're not alone. Many people know how frustrating these problems can be. But sleep problems aren’t just annoying; they could be unhealthy.
Move Your Butt to Save Your Breasts
We’ve all heard that exercise is good for us. Yeah, yeah…but the couch is more fun, right? Well, there’s a new reason to leave the couch behind.
Cutting the Cancer Costs of Indoor Tanning
More than two million Americans learn they have skin cancer every year. And the most serious form of skin cancer – melanoma – kills more than 9,000 people in the US each year.
Flame Retardant Chemicals Raise Concerns
Throughout our entire lives, we interact with chemicals. The vast majority of these chemicals do us good or cause no harm. A small number, however, are linked to mental health issues.
Indoor Tanners Be Warned
Indoor tanning is a dangerous practice. Why? Because the artificial rays, like the sun itself, increase the risk of skin cancer, including deadly melanoma.
Cross, Snap, Click! Buckle Up the Kids!
Fewer children have died or suffered long-term injuries in car crashes over recent decades because of car seats and booster seats. Yet some parents still haven't gotten the message.
Eat, Talk, Text – But Not While Driving
Dangerous activities while driving include drinking, texting and falling asleep. But other common activities can be dangerous too, like eating, grooming or feeding your child.
Not LOL When Teens Text While Driving
Public health officials have advertised the dangers of drinking and driving for years. But texting while driving can be just as dangerous, and not everyone is getting the message.
Honey, Let's Take a Breather Together
Picking up the slack when your partner has had a hard day is thoughtful. But, if you’ve had a hard day as well, the extra work may put you over the edge.