Health News

Time for New Arthritis Med?
Inflamed, swollen joints with firm tissue bumps under the skin can send patients to their doctors for treatment. But certain factors make patients change their medicines before long.
Moving Beyond Breast Cancer
Being physically active is one of the best things breast cancer survivors can do for themselves. Are they moving? Recent research tracked the physical activity patterns of breast cancer survivors.
Web Tool to Choose Angioplasty or Surgery
Coronary bypass surgery and angioplasty are two leading treatments for heart disease. A new method may help predict which option will be best for each patient.
Not Walking the Walk with Arthritis
While walking has a low impact on the body, and is convenient and inexpensive to do, few adults are actually doing it, particularly those with arthritis.
Man’s Best Friend Just Got Better
Want to improve your heart health? Let it go to the dogs. Owning a pet, particularly a dog, could reduce your risk of heart disease.
Losing Teeth with Diabetes
Brushing and flossing should be part of everyone’s daily habits. For people with diabetes, proper oral hygiene is even more important to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
EMS Can Beat the Clock When Stroke Strikes
If you have a stroke, you need to get to a hospital fast and receive therapy that will minimize damage to the brain. An ambulance may be quickest, but not all patients are calling EMS for help.
Gut Biome Different After Depression
The human digestive tract may be vulnerable to a common infection after taking certain medications. But even depression itself may make the gut more susceptible to infection.
Flu During Pregnancy Linked to Bipolar?
Being sick while pregnant certainly isn't fun. Having the flu while pregnant is even worse. But being down with the flu during pregnancy might be linked to longer term concerns, too.
No Extra Fibromyalgia Pain with Exercise
Some fibromyalgia patients may avoid exercise due to concern that the extra activity could increase pain. Fortunately, the opposite may be true, and exercise may actually help reduce pain.