Health News

Vitamins for Old Eyes, But Not Omega-3s
As people age, their eyesight can worsen. Millions get a condition that can lead to blindness. A vitamin regimen can help, but adding supplements provides no extra benefit.
Diabetes Rx and Breast Cancer Survival
The diabetes drug metformin has been something of a darling in the cancer world of late. Previous research has shown that it may help prevent or beat cancer. But a new study has come along that creates a question mark.
Still Sharp After Anesthesia
Being a bit foggy in the brain during the weeks or months after major surgery is a reality for many aging adults. But it’s not a certain sign of any lasting problems with their mental health such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Testosterone May Improve Insulin Sensitivity
In men with type 2 diabetes, testosterone levels are likely to be low. Increasing the male hormone may help patients control the disease by decreasing their insulin resistance.
Protecting Women In Underdeveloped Nations From Cancer
More than a quarter of a million women around the world die of cervical cancer every year. In this country, because of the Pap test, cervical cancer is much rarer.
Cataract Risk Unchanged by Supplements
The body can use different types of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to promote good health. But supplements may not be able to keep vision clear from cataract cloudiness later in life.
COPD May Worsen with Allergies
Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience episodes called exacerbations in which their symptoms get worse. New research suggests that allergies may add to these symptoms.
Baby Boomers Beware of Hep C
We are taught to believe that if we are sick, we will feel ill. Alarmingly, this is not the case with hepatitis C, which can be present in the body for years without causing symptoms.
Got the ED Prescription, Get It Filled
Some men might find it embarrassing or difficult to seek treatment for sexual problems. Though a lot of men with erectile dysfunction make it to the doctor for help, only a few actually take it to the next step.
ER Costs the Most for UTI Treatments
When pain or an infection in the bladder presents itself, a visit to the hospital ER might be the first stop for patients. But treatment at the emergency department could take a bigger chunk out of your wallet.