Health News

My Bacteria Is Better Than Yours
Everyone's got billions of little critters hanging out in their gut. They're helpful little critters — they aid the digestive and immune systems. But what you eat changes what they are.
Beating Cancer by Braving Drugs
When it’s the body against cancer, the body has to win at all costs. Getting the better of melanoma may require the immune system taking one for the team.
A Little Sugar Goes a Long Way
Eating too much sugar can change how your body responds to insulin - a hormone that is heavily involved in diabetes. Does eating normal amounts of sugar also have an effect?
Pacifying the Panic
Everyone is afraid from time to time, but if you suffer from a panic disorder, the feeling can strike quickly and without warning in a way that impedes your ability to live a normal life. Now research is attempting to give us a better understanding of the physical effects of the disorder and explore new possible treatments.
Communicating Heart Risk in Diabetes
Doctors may be well aware that diabetes raises the risk of heart problems, but many diabetes patients may not know about these risks. Effort to educate patients about heart risks may be needed.
Doses Cut, PsA Remission Remains
In many patients, medication can effectively treat psoriatic arthritis. But it is not always wise to keep patients on the same drug dose for too long. After lowering dose, does drug treatment still keep disease at bay?
Age, Insurance & Cervical Cancer
Catching any cancer before it spreads to vital organs can greatly improve patient outcomes. A woman’s age and whether or not she has health insurance are factors in catching one cancer.
Official Circumcision Policy Updated
To cut, or not to cut? That is literally the centuries-old question. The American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) has wavered on their position regarding circumcision.
No Money Might Make It Harder To Learn
When Oliver Twist asked for more porridge, he may have wanted to ask for more help with school work too. He may need it.
A Bean a Day Keeps the Gas Away?
It’s common knowledge - beans give you gas. Limericks and sayings have taught us this since we were children. But now, the long held belief is being reexamined. Research shows the link between diet and gas may be more complicated.