Health News

Heavy Drinking Bad For Teens
The human brain is still developing in the teen years. Heavy drinking can disrupt proper brain pathway development and impair function.
Getting the Best Care for Lung Cancer
In the second of our series on lung cancer, we continue our conversation with one of the nation's experts on the subject. D. Ross Camidge , MD, PhD , is a well-known lung cancer specialist and director of the thoracic oncology clinical program at the University of Colorado.
Droughts May Increase Suicide Risk
The recent droughts across the U.S. have meant big losses in crops for many farmers. Less visible, however, is the possible strain on these farmers' mental health.
Hurricanes, Stress and Pregnancy
When expectant mothers experience stress, it can lead to abnormal conditions at birth – a risk factor for problems in adulthood.
Cutting Wait Time for New Kidneys
Kidney transplants save lives. But the time it takes to get a new kidney is sometimes the difference between life and death. For some patients, the long wait means more time on dialysis, upping the chance of complications.
Dads Pass “Trust Hormone” to Kids
Often called the "love hormone" or "trust hormone," oxytocin is a chemical that helps parents and children bond to one another and works on children's emotional development.
Mid-Season Shoulder Injuries
Is it better to do a quick fix or long-term solution when it comes to shoulder injuries? Doctors said it depends on the bigger picture.
Leisure Activities Keep Heart Healthy
Simple everyday activities such as cleaning your house, gardening or biking may just give your heart a boost. When these physical activities are performed for more than a decade, enhanced heart health is the result.
Deadly Risk for Some Dialysis Patients
When kidney failure patients are waiting for a transplant, they are put on dialysis. While dialysis replaces the function of the kidneys, it is not a permanent fix. Over time, dialysis patients may face serious problems.
Confirming Cancer Treatment Standards
The most common cancer in young men affects the testis. These are called germ cell tumors or GCTs. The guidelines for treating advanced (cancer that has spread or metastasized) cases have recently been studied.