Health News

Preserve Fertility for Life After Cancer
Young women who require chemotherapy or other cancer treatment may find that the treatment risks permanent damage to their fertility - but science is catching up.
Combination Radiation Lowers Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Radiation therapy is often used at some point in treating prostate cancer. A recently published study finds that a combination of radiation therapies may be an effective treatment option that decreases problematic side effects.
Alzheimers - One Cell at a Time
Researchers are learning how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) changes the brain. Memory loss is thought to result from brain cell damage, but how the damage happens is not totally clear.
Lexapro for the Treatment of OCD?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessive thoughts and behaviors.  Patients may be prescribed escitalopram  (often sold as Lexapro ), an antidepressant, to help with some symptoms.
Drug to Treat Opioid Abuse
Doctors may have found a drug to help people transition off opioids . Similar to the way methadone helps heroin addicts, Suboxone may work for opioid users.
Testosterone, Belly Fat Fighter
Metabolic syndrome refers to a group of symptoms that may be related to obesity centered around the hormone-sensitive area of the belly.
Why Cancer 'Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'
So how does cancer outsmart drugs to keep on growing? Researchers are finding some answers in most unlikely places.
Testing the Thyroid During Pregnancy
In the midst of all the tests and check-ups that women undergo during their pregnancies, women may want to ensure that their thyroid is tested early in pregnancy, or even before they become pregnant.
Stem Cells Could Reverse Type 1
Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled by simply eating healthy and exercising. Type 1 diabetes is a different story. Many people live their whole lives with the disease. But can type 1 diabetes be beaten?
More Studies Find Bladder Cancer Risk
People with type 2 diabetes have an elevated risk of several types of cancer, including liver and pancreatic cancer. The use of one diabetic medication increases the risk of another form of cancer.