Health News

Old Wonder Drug for Pancreatic Cancer?
A low-cost, proven medication is taking on another cancer. Metformin has gone toe-to-toe with pancreatic cancer stem cells and won.
Managing HIV and Depression
Clinical depression is a very serious problem for millions of people. Not only a challenge to manage in itself, medically serious levels of sadness are associated with other disorders.
Skip the CT Scan if you Can
We're all surrounded by so many things that could potentially cause cancer - what can we do to protect ourselves? To avoid breast cancer, there's one thing a woman needs to do above all else.
Can Soy Help Women Think?
The traditional Asian diet has been celebrated for their health benefits, but a recent study challenges one common aspect of this praise.
The Flu Season That Never Was
Did you catch the flu this year? If you did, you were one of the relative few: This year's flu season was the mildest since record-keeping began.
Alcohol During Pregnancy - Whats the Question?
To drink or not to drink? Such is the question for many expectant moms who would love to have that single glass of wine but worry about its impact on their developing baby.
Blood Relatives of Breast Cancer
What if a simple blood test alerted you years in advance that you had elevated risks of breast cancer? Would you take it? You may have a choice in the near future.
Drinking Makes Teens Feel Isolated
In schools where drinking isn’t something everyone does, those who do drink can often feel outcast. This isolation can cause grades to slip over time.
World Sickle Cell Day Raises Awareness
Created by a United Nations resolution in 2008, World Sickle Cell Day was created to increase awareness of the genetic disease called sickle cell anemia.
Depression, Anxiety and Your Risk of Stroke
There is a lot of evidence suggesting that coronary heart disease is linked to psychological distress symptoms like anxiety and depression. However, it may be that heart disease is not the only risk.