Health News

Home Care Plans Not Lowering ER Visits
Hospital emergency departments have improved how they treat kids with severe asthma attacks, but sending young patients home with a plan to treat their asthma does not seem to help prevent readmission.
Goats and Cancer - a Strange New Link
When you think of known lung cancer risks, you probably immediately think of tobacco smoke. Scientists have now identified a new threat - goats.
Facebook Helps Identify Problematic Drinkers
Not everyone in college drinks alcohol, but every student is affected whether it’s directly or indirectly. Facebook and other social media sites can help identify under-age drinking.
Chemotherapy Better In Smaller Doses
Prostate cancer patients whose cancer has not improved through chemotherapy may have a new, more effective medication alternative.
New Prostate Cancer Therapy Reduces Harmful Side Effects
A common treatment for prostate cancer is radiation therapy. Traditional radiation therapy can harm healthy tissue and result in harmful side effects. A new radiation therapy offers patients a better alternative.
Heart Disease Deaths Prevented by Natural Back-Up System
Some patients naturally have a lower risk of dying from heart disease. Now researchers think they have found one of the reasons why that might be the case.
Detecting Aggressive Breast Cancer Earlier
African-American women tend to develop more aggressive breast cancers. Researchers have uncovered ways this cancer develops, offering new hope for early diagnosis.
Think Pink and Spread the Word!
As you probably know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And the US Food & Drug Administration 's (FDA) Office of Women's Health is offering free materials to help spread the word about the importance of having regular mammograms.
Don't Drink and Drive
How often do you see commercials on television or road signs that warn against drunk driving? More awareness is being spread because drunk driving causes many unnecessary injuries and deaths.
Sickle Cell Success Found
They key to correcting sickle cell disease may lie in a patient's own stem cells. Researchers have found a way to use the cells in a test tube to create a normal version of the gene.