Health News

Remarkable Results for Overactive Bladder
Carolyn Hoge remembers the problem started for no apparent reason. Out of the blue, she would have this sudden urgency to go to the bathroom. "I had to go now - I mean immediately!" Carolyn recalls. Hard contractions that could be painful often accompanied this urgency. "And oh my God, I was squeezing my knees!"
Sleep May be Key to Reducing Alzheimer's Risk
Could a good night's sleep be a key to reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease? It's still speculation, but a link between sleep and the rise and fall of a marker for the disease have given scientists hope.
Paternity Pops Testosterone
Women's bodies obviously change physically in preparation for caring for newborns. Some men experience biological changes as well.
The Decade in Diabetes
Treatments for type 2 diabetes are not what they used to be… they are even better! Throughout the past decade, new drugs and other tools have made it easier for patients to live with the disease.
No Herbal Remedy at All
It's been touted for years as an herbal supplement for improving overall prostate health. A new study shows that men have been wasting their money on saw palmetto.
Primatene Mist Being Pulled off Market
Next year, you will not be able to buy asthma inhalers without a prescription. A popular medication is being phased out because it contains chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Prescription Glasses Ordered Online Prove Unsafe
Ordering prescription glasses online may seem like an easy way to save money. But half of all glasses order through the Internet have been found to be unsafe or have incorrect prescriptions.
Antibiotics May Rough up Your Gut
If you get a bacterial infection, you may need to take some heavy antibiotics. Beware, though… it is possible that those antibiotics may be a contributing factor for developing bowel disease.
Shallow Breath and Swelling Blood Sugar
Children who are struggling with both diabetes and asthma have to deal with more than shortness of breath; some of them seem to have a harder time keeping their blood sugar under control.
The Physical-Mental Health Link
Most of us have experienced some episode of depression in our lives, whether it was a temporary, situational episode or more chronic, ongoing depressive episodes. Depression is common but serious; it can interfere with daily life and cause pain for both its victims and those around them.