Health News

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The more that is understood about newborn birth defects, the clearer it is that a mom-to-be really has a great deal of control over her future baby's health.
Fish Oil and Chemotherapy Don't Mix!
Cancer patients often use natural substances during treatment. It's thought these things certainly can't hurt and may help. In fact, just the opposite can be true.
Get High On Life
Marijuana, also commonly known as weed or pot has especially gained notice among young adults. Many are trying it and getting hooked.
Stopping Arthritis before It Starts
Young athletes can put their bodies through a lot of stress. Over time, the continuous stress can lead injuries and osteoarthritis. Instead of treating arthritis once it develops, why not stop the condition before it starts?
Nonaspirin NSAIDs Linked to Kidney Cancer
Popular pain relievers have long been thought to be harmless. Such is not the case, it turns out. Care needs to be taken with everything you put in your system.
Two Doses of HPV Vaccine Okay
There's been a lot of confusion around human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination lately. The latest news actually simplifies the recommendations.
Motor Skills Key for Infant Head Start
The first few years of life are filled with constant discoveries and learning experiences, giving us much of what we will use for the rest of our lives.
Asthma's Algorithms
Of course, one of the goals in pregnancy is to avoid or lessen in utero exposure to drugs. Maternal asthma is a tough condition to control while minimizing medicines.
Detecting Dialysis Risk
Doctors need to know which kidney disease patients are at risk for complications. Can they take action before those problems arise? The trouble is figuring out who is at risk. A specific hormone may be the sign.
Prostate Cancer Trends
September is prostate cancer awareness month, and the latest statistics of new cases have been released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).