Health News

Beyond the Sunscreen
Sunscreen seems like the obvious answer for protecting your skin from the scorching summer heat. It's easy, effective and widely known that it can help prevent sunburn, skin cancer, premature aging and wrinkles.
Racism and Sleep, Health Problems
Social and environmental stressors have a hand in how likely a person is to experience disturbed sleep, and new research shows that racism may also be a stressor - even if the racism is only perceived.
Saving the Lives of Heavy Smokers
Lung cancer is most commonly detected with a chest X-ray. This standard technique misses a number of early cancers, though. A study shows another technology is not only a better screening tool, but can save the lives of smokers.
New Treatment for Irregular Heartbeat
Atrial fibrillation can be difficult to treat because medications can stop working. But researchers have developed a new hybrid procedure they believe can better help patients. Though rarely deadly, atrial fibrillation can cause difficult symptoms such as chest pain and fatigue.
Minimizing Adverse Reactions by Stopping the Bleeding
Patients with acute coronary syndromes often must resort to stents or balloon angioplasty to relieve artery constriction. Now the European Society of Cardiology is suggesting new strategies to minimize bleeding during such procedures.
A Spice That Fights Alzheimer's
Could cinnamon really help fight Alzheimer's disease?
Medicare to Pay for Prostate Cancer Drug
Medicare has announced it will pay for Provenge ( sipuleucel-T ) to treat metastatic prostate cancer. This drug extends the life of patients by about four months.
Keep on Seeing with Diabetes
Diabetics face all sorts of challenges caused by their disease. One of those is the possibility of going blind. Now, researchers have found a way to protect diabetics from this problem.
Heart Attack Deaths in U.S. Territory Hospitals Higher
Medical care has become fairly standardized across the United States with residents of Iowa expecting to receive similar care as those in Louisiana. A recent study shows that the exception might be U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico.
Some Women Dying Too Young
Obesity brings many health problems, and now researchers are finding that it is a major cause of early death in women.