Health News

Bee Grateful
Bees and other pollinators help fertilize crops to ensure there are enough fruit and vegetable supplies around the world. So without bees, where would we be?
Slowing Advanced Lung Cancer
Advanced lung cancer offers few options for patients, unfortunately. A recent Spanish study opens new possibilities by extending the use of an established treatment drug, Alimta.
Electrical Brain-storming
In an interesting twist, researchers discovered about a decade ago that many of the brain patterns seen in epilepsy are also seen in children with autism.
Only 45% of Early Dementia Diagnosed
Many doctors are not detecting the early signs of dementia, according to recent research. It can be difficult to identify people with dementia because primary care physicians have busy practices and might miss early symptoms.
Better Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmia
Atrial Fibrillation is the most common abnormal heart rhythm, affecting about 2.2 million Americans. A report recently submitted suggests that it may in fact emerge as "the new epidemic" in heart disease.
The Gift of Time
Life with advanced prostate cancer is measured in months, usually. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a new medicine that offers men the gift of time.
Lower Body Fat May Not Cut Disease Risk
Exercise and a healthy diet are usually enough to promote health and prevent disease. However, it might not be enough to protect from heart disease and type 2 diabetes, a new study has revealed.
Turn Off the TV, Turn on Life
Media has its pros and cons but allowing children too much screen time can become both addicting and fattening. So, find a lifestyle that does not involve any form of media to be the healthiest.
Easy Access Dialysis
While dialysis is an important way to keep kidney disease patients alive, it can also cause other health problems. Now, a team of students has created a tool to make dialysis safer.
Combining Brain Images Into One
With the creation of MRI imaging, doctors and researchers suddenly had a flood of information available, particularly when it came to neurology. The problem was that it was an overwhelming amount of data.