Health News

FDA Approves New HIV Treatment
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Edurant (rilpivirine) in combination with other antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults who have never taken HIV therapy (treatment-naïve).
Workout With Your Avatar
Most people know exercising is important, but often times people don’t have the motivation, a partner, or have a fear of working out in public. Never fear, virtual partner is here!
Quit Smoking with Exercise
Are nicotine patches or nicotine gums not cutting it? Try exercising to curb your nicotine cravings. Research shows that you can improve your health by exercising regularly and you could quit smoking as well.
Keep Your New Kidney and Your Wallet
Just because something is more expensive, doesn't mean it's better. This may be the case when you're buying a car, or even when doctors are deciding which drug to prescribe for you.
New Drugs Could Treat Half of Prostate Cancers
A new class of cancer fighting drugs that seems to hold promise in treating breast cancer may also work with certain types of prostate cancer. Those are the findings of a new University of Michigan (U-M) study.
Being Healthy Does Not Necessarily Just Mean Losing Weight
Most people don’t understand the actual term 'healthy living'. Weight management is just one aspect of living healthy, but there are many other factors that should be taken into account.
Time Out for Dry Mouth
During the throes of a cancer battle, preserving healthy saliva glands may be on the back burner for most cancer patients, but the long-lasting effects of dry mouth can create problems with sleeping, eating and socializing for patients in remission.
Obesity Increases Hospital Costs
Obesity is an epidemic that has spread throughout the world. It increases risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and many other diseases, and now it is even increasing hospital costs.
No More Memory Like an Elephant
Where are my keys? Which row is my car on at the grocery store? Did I pay that bill? These are just  a few of the forgetful journeys one makes daily as age descends upon us.
The Genetics of Depression
It's long been thought that depression runs in families. New research strengthens the theory that genes do in fact  play a major role in this mental illness.