Health News

Five Treatments to Discuss With Your Doc
As people grow old, they often face increasing health issues. While certain treatments may be helpful to younger adults, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) has recommended some treatments elderly patients may want to avoid.
From Baby Breaths to Childhood Wheeze
Babies with smaller lung capacity could have breathing problems later, especially if they take up smoking as teenagers.
Healthy Body Weight, Healthy Kidneys
Keeping a healthy body weight is important for the heart and joints. Losing weight may also be important for healthy kidneys.
Allergies Got Your Nose? Try Acupuncture
When allergies are bad, some people may feel like there's no escape from an itchy, runny nose. But an ancient Chinese medical practice might be another way to relieve those stuffy nostrils.
Let Your Liver Enjoy More Coffee
Scientists haven’t pinpointed the exact reason why coffee may be able to protect the liver from cancer. But they have found a good bit of evidence to support coffee’s role in reducing the risk of liver cancer.
Fewer Smokers… With a Few Exceptions
Americans are smoking less than they did in the early 1990s, thanks to a number of efforts. But there are still quite a few smokers among certain groups in the US.
Low Back Pain Rarely Signals Cancer
If you’ve ever had low back pain, you’re a member of a large club. An estimated 70 percent of individuals have low back pain at some point in their lives. But how often does low back pain signal something more serious? Very rarely.
Obesity Weighs Down Pregnancy Outcomes
Being overweight can be a burden for an expectant mother. When it comes to labor and delivery, that extra weight can cause certain complications for both the mother and child.
A Family of Mental Health Disorders
Depression, autism and schizophrenia have very different symptoms. But new genetic research suggests that they may share a root cause.
More Sugar May Mean More Diabetes
Gaining too much weight increases the risk of diabetes. But your diabetes risk may rely as much on what you eat as it does on how much you eat.