Health News

Robotic Removal and Recovery Reviewed
Advanced technology has become very popular in the surgery suite. Even robotic arms are in there helping surgeons these days. This high tech surgery has been found to be easier on the patient.
Race Predicts Stroke Risk
Stroke is the leading cause of long term disability. Stroke cuts off blood supply to the brain. It is the brain's number one enemy.
Marijuana’s Role in Pain Management
It’s unknown how exactly marijuana combats pain. But new research claims marijuana doesn’t kill pain so much as reduce caring about the pain.
Osteoporosis Screening - Answer or Problem?
Osteoporosis is a major cause of bone fractures, but not all women are being screened for it. This leaves many women at greater risk for broken bones, especially as they age.
Holiday Blues: Tips, Tricks and Triggers
Not everyone looks forward to the holidays. The desire to stay in bed or eat through plates of cookies can take over. But there are ways to avoid the holiday blues and enjoy the season.
Childhood Abuse Linked to Adult Asthma
Stress from abuse as a child can affect people when they become adults. A new study found that childhood abuse can contribute to developing asthma and may trigger adult asthma as well.
Nix Winter Melancholy
Winter can slow people down a bit. It has to do with the brain adjusting to less sunlight, but there are tricks to help keep spirits up through the winter months.
More Than Meets the Eye
Often, birth defects occur because of variations in children's genes. Researchers are learning that those genetic differences can also influence other disorders.
Cancer Screening for the Mentally Ill
Mental illness does not change the risks for cancer. Screening and treatments for cancer in the mentally ill have not been equal to those of the general population.
Pregnancy - a Snapshot of Later Health
Pregnancy is a great time to see how well your body does under stress. Some women get hypertension when they're pregnant. These women have a greater chance of having it again.