Health News

HIV Positive? Quit Smoking!
Smoking is bad for everyone, but for people with compromised immune systems like HIV patients—it’s even worse. Smoking cessation can improve HIV treatment plans.
Stay A While, Or Not
Most people want to be in and out of the hospital as quickly as possible and not have to come back. This also holds true for veterans.
Global Health: 20 Years Changes Things
Twenty years ago, infectious disease in children was the highest risk factor for death and disability in the world. Today, it’s low-nutrient, high sodium diets, alcohol and tobacco.
Can This Cancer Be Blamed On Fat Cells?
How and why pancreatic cancer develops has never been clearly understood. New clues are emerging, though, that could help diagnose and treat this cancer.
Intense Lifestyle Change for Diabetes
A healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for managing type 2 diabetes. Now it looks like nutrition and exercise can even reverse this serious disease.
Cancer Wounds WTC Workers
When the World Trade Centers evaporated on 9/11, clouds of toxic chemicals were left in their wake. Researchers wanted to know the impact of these clouds on the health of rescue workers.
Safe Toys for the Holidays
On the first day of Christmas, my mommy gave to me… three non-choking-hazard toys, two BPA-free figures and a stuffed animal without removable parts... How safe are the toys under your tree this year?
UK authority recommends against bevacizumab as advanced ovarian cancer treatment
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published draft guidance today (18 December) on the use of bevacizumab ( Avastin , Roche) as a treatment for women with advanced ovarian cancer. The draft guidance does not recommend the use of bevacizumab when used with paclitaxel and carboplatin for people with advanced disease, as a cost-effective treatment for the NHS. This draft guidance has now been issued for consultation: NICE has not yet published final guidance to the NHS. The Institute is aware that UK clinical practice is to prescribe bevacizumab at a d...
Close-"Nit" Combs Get It Done
When killing lice isn't an option, consumers just want the best way to comb them out. Metal combs with close-knit teeth are the best option, a new study has found.
Relief for a Pain in the Neck
Forget the painkillers and steroid injections when it comes to chronic neck pain. The solution may be as easy as rolling out your yoga mat.