Health News

It's Green! Stop Texting While Crossing
Remember when you learned in school to look both ways before crossing the street? Here's another tip: put away your cell phone and pay attention to the crosswalk too.
Great Creativity in the Great Outdoors
Ever needed a walk to clear your head? Needed some fresh air while mulling over a problem? You're not the only one. In fact, taking a break with Mother Nature may boost our creativity.
The Kiss of Death to Cancer?
You’re prime pickings for landing a kiss when you stand under the mistletoe. It’s a holiday tradition. Of course, if you eat the mistletoe you could fall headfirst into the punchbowl and die. This fact hasn’t been lost on cancer cells.
Spice Isn’t so Nice
The sale of artificial marijuana was nationally banned in 2012. With little to no regulation, there was no way to tell what was in the synthetic marijuana anyway.
Chemo-Drug Combo Clobbers Cancer
Gene therapies to treat lung cancer are continuing to emerge. A new combination of drugs may help lung cancer patients live longer. Several gene mutations have been identified in lung cancer cells.
How the Brain Fixes a Concussion
A bump on the head is sometimes more than just an ouch. Symptoms from a concussion or other mild traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) can last for months or even years.
Riding For Parkinson’s
As Parkinson’s disease (PD) progresses, symptoms like shaking and difficulty walking also progress. Those not in a position to get expensive or invasive treatments like deep brain stimulation may find relief through exercise.
Sex When it's Not Sexy
It's risky business having sex. Getting intimate with a partner who does reckless activities can lead women to some yucky infections.
Diabetes-Lipitor Link Isn't Found in Everyone
Drug treatment can prevent heart problems for those at risk. However, certain drugs may lead to other serious health issues, including diabetes.
Kidney Injuries on the Rise
Kidney injury does not always require dialysis. But when injuries are severe enough, patients need dialysis to do the job of their kidneys. Now it appears these severe kidney injuries may be on the rise.