Health News

Liver Defense with Aspirin
Drugs like aspirin have been shown to reduce inflammation and the risk of many cancers. However, it has been unclear whether these drugs lower the risk of serious liver problems.
Is Pre-Eclampsia Bad for the Heart?
A common pregnancy complication is pre-eclampsia. It involves high blood pressure and has been linked to later heart disease. But not all women with it have the same risks.
Forecasting Flu Like the Weather?
Overcast with a chance of flu? With a flu prediction system that works like weather forecasts, you might hear about an influenza front closing in on your region.
Arthritic Double Whammy
It was once thought that patients with rheumatoid arthritis were unlikely to get gout. Now it looks like that is not the case.
Treat Type 1 to Treat Hardened Arteries
People with type 1 diabetes may face a number of complications, including narrowed arteries. If patients gain better control of blood sugar levels, they may reduce their risk of these complications.
Does Mammography Radiation Increase Cancer Risks?
Have you heard that radiation from mammography can cause other cancers? Maybe you’ve heard recommendations that a shield be used to protect the thyroid. A new study took a look at these concerns.
Whooping Cough Vaccine Safety Check
Is the whooping cough vaccine safe? How long after getting the vaccine does it take for an allergic reaction to become present? 
Sleepy Teens Face Diabetes Risk Factor
Teenagers need a good night's rest not only to make it through the school day but also to ensure good health as they grow older. This may be particularly true when it comes to protecting against diabetes.
Mind - Body Uplifted After Exercise
Exercise can play a key role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. However, the benefits of exercise may depend on a patient's physical and mental state.
Colon, Age and Alcohol Don't Mix
If you drink alcohol and are over 50, there's more reason to get the pipes checked out, even if you feel fine. A new study found that drinking alcohol increases the chance of developing diverticulosis in the colon.