Health News

Fewer Young Adults Smoking in US
Want to save nearly half a million people in the US from dying each year? Get them to stop smoking. Fortunately, fewer young adults are smoking.
TBI and Pesticide Increase Risk of Parkinson's
While the exact causes of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are unknown, it is likely to be from a mixture of environmental and genetic factors. Having exposure to more than one risk factor could increase the chances of developing the disease.
Sling Can Help the Leak
For patients with difficulty holding their bladder, some get a sling to help keep it together. New research shows that it holds up well with very few problems in the long run.
Surgery Helps Children With Crohn's
Going under the knife for any surgery can make patients uneasy. But for children with long-term stomach troubles, the option can do more good than harm.
Smoking in Cars with Kids
It is known that secondhand smoke can be harmful to those exposed, especially in confined spaces like cars. 
New Safety Concern for Cholesterol Meds
Some medications used to treat high cholesterol, like Lipitor or Caduet , were linked to some cases of myopathy , a muscle wasting disease.
The Breast Cancer Gap
The good news is that fewer women are dying from breast cancer. The bad news is that black women are more likely to die from the disease, even though they have fewer new cases than white women.
Reducing Unnecessary Surgeries
The biggest fear about any cancer is the possibility that it has spread. Figuring this out, though, can involve invasive tests. Scientists are working on a laser light method that could avoid unnecessary surgery.
Doesn't Take Sticks & Stones to Hurt You
Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. Except they do. And not just your mental health. Bullying affects your physical health too.
Mindful Eating for Diabetes
Eating healthy to lose weight is a key part of controlling diabetes. But getting patients to eat healthy is not always easy. Two different programs may be equally helpful in getting patients to change their eating habits.