Health News

Time of the Month Affects Breathing Woes
Maybe allergies are not to blame if women are coughing more at certain times than others.
Bronze, Blisters & Skin Cancer
Blistering sunburns from vacations to the coast may not result in the same type of non-melanoma skin cancer as sun exposure like  lifeguarding every summer.
Hospitalized? Good Time to Quit
Of course, no one can smoke inside hospitals anymore. There are strict policies against it. But, outside the hospital, on the grounds and in designated areas, it's usually still fair game.
Kids These Days… and Their Rx
It's important to treat mental illness. But some people have concerns that children are over-treated with medications. Research evidence does show an increase in some psychiatric meds for kids.
The Perfect Heart Attack Drug
Cocaine overdoses can often end up in heart attacks. But long-term habitual cocaine use can also change the structure of the heart to set it up for a heart attack not from an overdose.
Drug Abuse in Teens Includes OTC
Think that over-the-counter means lack-of-danger? Not true, teens can poison themselves or have seizures from trying to get high off of non-prescription drugs.
Bipolar Balancing Act During Pregnancy
Being pregnant with a psychiatric disorder requires careful balancing of care. Women with bipolar disorder must decide whether or how to treat their condition while pregnant.
Poor Diets, Poor Kidneys
Poor people in the United States are more likely to develop kidney disease. Unhealthy diets may have something to do with this gap. A recent study showed poor dietary habits were strongly associated with kidney disease among the urban poor.
Online Depression Care, Anytime Anywhere
You read the news online. You socialize online. You shop online. Why not get your mental healthcare online too? It might soon be possible.
Diabetes Rx Has Future In Managing Ovarian Cancer
The cheap and effective drug that lowers blood sugar in type II diabetics may be a new weapon against breast, colon, prostate and other cancers. Growing evidence suggests metformin may also be helpful in managing ovarian cancer.