Health News

On the Horizon: New MS Treatments
Only a few decades ago, doctors giving a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis had nothing to offer in terms of treatment or support. There's a brighter future for MS patients these days.
How Early Can Autism Be Detected?
Early help for kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) can be important. But how young can we detect the early symptoms of ASD ? A recent study tracked kids for the first three years of life.
Trying for a Baby Takes a Toll
A couple struggling with fertility will often go through a lot to have a baby. But fertility treatments can sometimes negatively affect the most basic part of the process — sex.
Attacking Child Obesity on All Sides
Fighting teen obesity requires multiple approaches. There is not a single cause of obesity, but there are many different factors that parents can address to reduce kids' risk.
AS Medication Didn't Change Heart Risks
A long term disease named  Ankylosing   Spondylitis has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. A number of factors could be responsible for this increased risk, including the drugs used to treat this painful condition.
Secondhand Smoke Gets In Your Lungs
If a whiff of cigarette smoke makes you feel ill, your instincts are right. It doesn't take much secondhand smoke to cause breathing difficulties — even if you don't notice them.
Before You Take Drugs for Weight Loss
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved two new weight loss medications. They caution against using these drugs to lose a few “vanity” pounds.
When Cancer Therapy Backfires
Triggering a patient’s natural immune response to treat melanoma can work well. But it can also cause melanoma cells to disguise themselves as another kind of cell.
Too Many Teens Too Tired
If you're finding it hard to rouse your teen from bed in the morning, you're not alone. Excessive sleepiness appears to be a trend among teenagers.
Marshmallows and Self-Control
Kissing the dog on the mouth, greeting guests without clothes on, eating inedible objects – does this remind you of anyone?