Health News

Short of Breath? Or Just a Little Short?
Parents may have to think twice about their children's inhalers before they make the wheeze go away.
Does Mood Spur Walking?
If you have arthritis, it's important to stay active and keep your joints moving. Walking is a simple activity that can help protect your joints. However, some patients can't find the motivation to get up and walk.
The Glass Is Half Full… Or Is It?
Do you chug or do you sip? Regardless of your drinking style, you may be drinking faster than you realize. It all depends on the glass holding the alcohol.
Kidney Cancer Rx Approved in Europe
Kidney cancer doesn’t usually have any warning signs until it has become pretty serious. In fact, about a third of patients are diagnosed with an advanced stage of the disease. A medication has been approved in Europe to treat kidney cancer that has spread.
Is Chatting Online Good?
Today, we mostly hear about the negative effects of using technology, but technology has also streamlined our lives and made us a more connected society.
Can Depression Be Predicted?
Major depressive disorder, also called  MDD , is one of the most common mental disorders affecting people today. Once it occurs, it can be present throughout a person’s lifetime.
Detergent Capsules Pose Danger to Kids
Childproofing the home for little kids is more than important. It can be a life or death situation. This is especially true for household chemicals.
Good Jobs for Good Students with Arthritis
Juvenile arthritis develops in children. But children eventually grow older, and their arthritis won't always go away. As the years pass, does juvenile arthritis make it hard to get a job?
Is Organic Food More Nutritious?
If you pay extra to eat organic food, why do you do it? Is it mostly because you want something more nutritious or mostly because you want to avoid pesticides?
Sneezy, Coughy and Itchy
Most people are familiar with that bothersome sensation of always needing to sneeze - hay fever. This allergic rhinitis effects millions of people all across the world and can cause interruption to their daily lives, especially when the amount of pollen in the air rises.