Health News

Cause for Frailty in Elderly
Getting proper nutrition is important for older people to maintain strength and muscle mass. Frailty can come from not getting enough to eat.
More Wheeze With PCBs
There's more reason not to sniff the paint. Or let your kids play with wires. Children with asthma who are exposed to products with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) could feel worse.
One Large Step in the Small-Cell Lung Cancer Journey
There are two major types of lung cancer. The most common type is called non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer makes up only about 15 percent of the 226,000 cases of lung cancer diagnosed in the US every year. New treatments for this more aggressive lung cancer may be on the horizon.
$100 Million for Autism Research
As many as one in every 88 children has an autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ). Research to understand ASD and find new treatments is costly. Nine research groups now have funding.
Low Rate of Violent Disorder in Iraq
Americans have been fortunate not to have the ongoing violence of war-torn Iraq. But surprisingly, one of the more violent mental health conditions is less common in Iraq.
NFL Players’ Brain Disease Risk Triple
The NFL season kicked off September 5. The same day, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a special report about NFL players' deaths from brain diseases.
Blood Pressure Is Out Of Control
Currently about 67 million American adults have high blood pressure. Though most with hypertension see a doctor at least twice a year and take medicine, that doesn't mean most have it under control.
The Stresses of Coming Home for Vets
They say you can never go home again. But thousands of veterans do, and it's not easy. But that can be a good thing.
Dementia Brain Changes Show up Early
Memory problems are the first symptoms of dementia. New research shows that changes in the brain may show up as much as 10 years before memory symptoms.
Which Test Best Spots Diabetes?
There are many tests used to diagnose prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. These same tests can also give doctors a picture of patients' blood sugar control and risk of heart problems. But which tests work best?