Health News

Sleep Apnea and Bipolar Disorder
Sleep apnea can lead to health problems and make people sleepy during the day. New research links bipolar disorder to sleep apnea.
Alzheimer's Affects Genders Differently
Although there's nothing that can currently prevent the decline caused by Alzheimer's, it helps to understand the disease. Research reveals that it affects men and women differently.
Run With Fluidity, But Not With Fluid
Getting a runner's high is the ultimate goal for marathon runners. But these runners can get a bit more than they asked for if they're not too careful.
Are Anti-Bacterial Products Safe?
Products advertised as being antibacterial are everywhere these days. While the ingredients may be safe in small doses for humans, could there be long term and far reaching effects?
Is Diabetes Making Brains Smaller?
While the size of your head may not matter so much, the size of your brain does. If parts of your brain get smaller, you may be faced with brain function problems. Diabetes may play a role in this process.
Learning While You Sleep?
A good night’s sleep can help your memory to be strong. But can we make new memories while we sleep? A recent study trained people while they slept.
Seeing Trends in Cancer and Pregnancy
Most women at prenatal appointments listen to the baby's heartbeat, discuss nutrition or hear general advice from their doctor. But the number hearing a cancer diagnosis is increasing.
Even Babies Can Have PTSD
Being treated for cancer is very stressful at any age. Even babies and toddlers can develop stress disorders from cancer treatments.
Targeting Melanoma With Chemical Snipers
Treating melanoma, the worst form of skin cancer, requires a creative approach. That’s because these tumors tend to ignore conventional treatment. Combining therapies may be the answer.
Weight Lost is Money Saved
It's working for Jessica Simpson. The singer, who's the new celebrity spokeswoman for Weight Watchers, has been following the program for a few months after giving birth to her first child.