Health News

Play in the Sun, Yes
Sunscreen? Yes indeed. SPF 15, 30, or 50? No worries. Parents are a-okay with their children playing in the sun.
Paying Attention to Adult ADHD
Everyone has trouble focusing from time to time, but for those with ADHD, the issue can place a large amount of strain and struggle on everyday life.
Technology Detects Cancer Spread
Computer scans can help doctors pinpoint targets for surgery, treatment or see if cancer is on the move. One technology has proved to be very accurate for people living with melanoma.
Self-Care for RA
Even though your doctor can give you drugs and information to treat rheumatoid arthritis, you must take action yourself to control the disease. Taking part in your own care can help you live well with rheumatoid arthritis.
11 Years Later...Cancer Is Covered
The air around ground zero was more toxic than anyone realized on that fateful day 11 years ago today. Many of the first responders are no longer alive. They’ve died of a number of illnesses, including cancer.
Tackling Inflammation May 'Sack Cancer for a Loss'
Like so many cancers, inflammation plays a part in liver cancer getting started, growing and spreading. Going after the source of this inflammation may be a new way to attack this particularly ugly cancer.
Why Does Violence Affect Health?
Experiencing violence as a child raises the risk of health problems later in life. A new study is trying to understand why this risk is higher.
Affected On the Out and In
What happens on the outside can affect us on the inside. And it happens both ways, specifically among patients with psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Alcohol’s Contribution to Anxiety
Anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affect the lives of many people. These people frequently turn to alcohol consumption to deal with the pain. However, alcohol may just be making it worse.
Take a Break From Violent TV News Images
Were you glued to the TV in the days after 9/11? If you found it hard to tear yourself away from the grim, upsetting images, they might have had a long-term impact on your health.