Health News

Listen & Learn Ladies
What’s the best way to get the word out about major health issues? For certain groups, a short story on the radio can reach and educate a lot of people easily and successfully.
Fewer Zzz's May Mean Worse Breast Cancer
It's hard to get a full eight hours of sleep each night. But it's important. For women with breast cancer, it's extremely important.
The Cost of Repression
The mind-body connection has interested people for centuries with more and more research showing that the two are completely connected.
More Magnesium, Less Arthritis
What you put in your body can affect your risk of disease, even your risk of osteoarthritis. If you're trying to prevent this "wear-and-tear" type of arthritis, you may want to eat more almonds and spinach.
No Pet Turtle for You, Kid!
They seem like the perfect pets: they're slow, mild and quiet, and they come with their own case. But turtles, like other reptiles, carry a danger for small children — salmonella.
When to Inhale
Sometimes inhalers are puffed once a day for asthma. Other times it's done only when it's difficult to breathe. Is one way better than another?
Incentives For Avoiding Drugs
Does the hope for more money in the future outweigh the desire for an immediate payoff? Research may prove that an incentive is an incentive no matter how you slice it.
Most Women (Still) Don’t Need Ovarian Cancer Screenings
Cancer that invades the ovaries usually doesn’t have symptoms. Screening for the disease has involved ultrasound and measuring for a molecule that’s present when the disease is. For any screening to be useful, though, it must be proven to save lives.
We Can Still Do More for Veterans
As the suicide rate in the military climbs, the Veterans Administration is looking for ways to improve suicide prevention for veterans. An expert from the Mayo Clinic points out more ways to improve prevention of military suicides.
Whooping Cough Vaccine Needs More Oomph
Vaccines may be one of medicine's greatest inventions, but they're not perfect. Some can lose effectiveness over time, like the DTaP that protects against whooping cough.