Health News

When Beeps & Zooms Interrupt Your Dreams
The beeps, the zooms, the revs, the lumbering semis… Living near a busy highway often means little peace and quiet. But constant annoying traffic noise can affect health too.
Parenting a Child With Diabetes
Each year, more than 30,000 people, both children and adults, are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. When a person is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, which often happens in childhood, an entire lifestyle change is needed.
Overworked Doctors Cost Everyone
Piling work on doctors to the breaking point can harm everyone involved. Patients aren’t the only ones who lose when doctors are overworked—the hospital’s bottom line does too.
Does Eating Meat Increase Your Risk For Uterine Cancer?
You may have read that animal protein – particularly red meat – is associated with cancer. The China Study  by T. Colin Campbell makes an impressive case. According to some, the type of iron in meat is what makes the difference.
Breathe Right With Antibiotics
Coughing fits and trouble breathing may become less of an issue among COPD patients. Antibiotics could come to the rescue.
Can Vital Vitamins Help Slow Dementia?
There is no known way to prevent dementia currently. However, researchers are learning more about ways to possibly slow it down or lessen the risk of the disease.
Could Swine Flu Reemerge as a Pandemic?
What stands between a flu that mostly affects pigs and a deadly virus that can jump from human to human? According to a new study, the barrier is only a few genetic tweaks.
Getting Healthy at the Workplace
It's easy for workers to fall into a rut of unhealthy habits. Most jobs don't make it easy or convenient to eat right and exercise. But it doesn't have to be that way.
To Smoke or To Dip?
Which is more addictive - smoking tobacco or smokeless tobacco? Tobacco may be able to hook users one way or the other.
“Trich” or Treat Prostate Cancer
More and more research is finding how viruses and other diseases are connected with some cancers. Many of these conditions are caused by sexually transmitted infections ( STI ). One cancer has a new STI link.