Health News

Prostate Cancer Goes Viral
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to a number of cancers. And the Epstein Barr virus is associated with nasal cancer. It turns out these two viruses may have a mysterious association with yet another.
Brain Bleeds & Smoking
Smoking habits can have a number of adverse health effects. There is good news—when you finally quit smoking, you may also reduce the chances of life-threatening brain bleeds.
Leave Me Alone!
Socializing and participating in activities can sometimes be difficult for your children if they have asthma. And in worse situations, your children may get picked on as well.
Staying Active May Help Low Back Pain
Many people with low back injuries avoid activity for fear of aggravating their condition. However, being too careful can worsen stiffness and pain. Can guidance from a medical professional on how to safely remain active help those with fear of pain go back to work?
Know Your Risk: Hepatitis C and HIV
You may not know if you've been infected with hepatitis C. It's earned the nickname “the silent epidemic” by hiding its symptoms until it's caused significant damage to your liver.
Managing Hypertension While Pregnant
If you have a chronic condition and become pregnant, it may mean different treatment during the pregnancy. High blood pressure is one such condition, and it's becoming more common.
What Does Race Have To Do With Flu Shots?
Who is getting the message about getting the flu shot every year? A new study finds that in some cases, a racial line can be drawn between who gets vaccinated and who doesn't.
What’s in Your Medication?
Some drugs are cheaper outside the U.S. Some are available without a prescription in other countries. But, how can you be sure that you are getting what you pay for?
Taking the Itch Off
Itching, bumpy, burning skin? Looking at your arm wondering, "Well where did this come from?" Irritation of the skin, or contact dermatitis, can be caused by either irritants or allergens. Knowing what type of irritation is occurring, how to treat it and what the leading causes are can help you cope with these skin issues.
What You Probably Don’t Know About Uterine Cancer
dailyRx News recently had the privilege of visiting with some of the nation’s leading specialists in various types of cancers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.