Health News

Saving Critical Surgical Minutes
Blood flow to the kidney has to be stopped while a cancer tumor is being removed. And those minutes are critical. So kidney cancer surgery involves a race against time.
All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
Smoking makes people smell bad. Who could get away with such a gross habit? The popular kids in high school may set a bad example for everyone else that smoking is cool.
Working Up an Appetite? Not!
Working out and exercise is supposed to help build an appetite, right? That may not be the actual case.
Quit the Bottle to Build Happy Bones
Beer and wine happy hours can often be so satisfying. But it may be best to leave the bottle alone when helping bones grow and stay strong.
How Does HIV Affect the Brain?
HIV-related dementia, known as AIDS dementia complex, can create memory problems and changes in behavior. Scientists are trying to understand how HIV affects the brain.
Mangoes Linked to Salmonella
Mexico is the world's largest supplier of mangoes. But the fruit has had a hard time getting across the border since being linked to an outbreak of salmonella in the U.S. and Canada.
Prostate Cancer – Separating Diagnosis From Treatment
September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and dailyRx  News wanted to learn about the state of the disease, its diagnosis and treatment. 
A Bitter Pill to Swallow
Medications are created to help us - help us heal, help us feel better, help us combat whatever ailment we are facing and go on with our lives.
Free Health Screenings for Men
For 23 years, the third week in September has been designated “Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.” That’s when the Prostate Conditions Education Council ( PCEC ) was founded to give men access to free or low-cost prostate health screenings.
Sleep is Key to Successful Weight Loss
Want to lose weight? Then exercise more, right? No doubt physical activity is important for weight loss. But so is laying down, closing your eyes and getting enough sleep.