Health News

Pain Depends on the Brain
How can two people have the same injury and yet one fully recover and the other develop chronic pain? Chronic pain affects 116 million Americans each year yet the answers to these questions are not completely understood.
Antibiotics Linked to Kids' Weight
It's tempting to think that medicine, like antibiotics, can only help people recover from illness. But researchers are still learning about other possible effects of antibiotic use.
Should You Insist on Music?
Many believe that musical training is very beneficial for children. It may help improve memory and logic, but does a year of musical training carry benefits once those children grow up? The answer may surprise you.
Higher Blood Sugar Helps Heart Failure
Most people with diabetes need to lower their blood sugar levels to get healthy. Diabetes patients with heart failure, on the other hand, may do better if they keep their blood sugar a little high.
Not-So-Expert Lupus Treatment
The power to control your lupus comes in part from the specialists who work with you. The amount and type of treatment you get may depend on their ability to communicate with one another.
Muscle and Fat are Signs of RA Disability
To best treat rheumatoid arthritis, doctors need to know how the disease is taking a toll on patients' joints. But it's not always easy to tell how disabled a patient is. So, how can doctors measure disability?
Diabetics Live Better Through Exercise
Exercise is one of the most important parts of managing diabetes. It helps you shed pounds and control blood sugar. Exercise may even save your life.
Modest Incomes in Kidney Transplants
A transplant is a kidney failure patient's best chance at living a long life. Sadly, there are not enough kidneys to go around, even with living kidney donation. Transplant costs may play a role in this shortage.
A Brain Pacemaker?
Those with hard-to-treat medical conditions live with a frustrating reality. For some disorders  a surgical treatment called deep brain stimulation (DBS) has delivered relief.
Ecstasy During Pregnancy a Bad Idea
A study on how ecstasy during pregnancy might affect babies at 4 months old was published early this year. Now those babies are a year old. They're still developing slowly.