Health News

Secondhand Smoke Puts Kids at Risk
The cough reflex works to eject toxins from the respiratory system. If the cough reflex doesn’t work right, respiratory infection risk is higher.
Treating Nasal Melanoma
You probably think of melanoma as a form of skin cancer - the worst kind. You're correct. But melanoma is also a rare type of cancer involving the nasal passage and nearby sinuses (sinonasal).
Lifetime Risk of Kidney Failure
Rates of kidney failure are on the rise, which could lead to more people in poor health and higher health care costs. To stop these possible problems, we need to better understand our risk of kidney failure.
Defining Wheat Sensitivity
Wheat sensitivity may show up as nausea or in bowel problems. A recent study found that some people with wheat sensitivity had symptoms more like celiac disease, while others had symptoms more like a food allergy.
Why is the Drinking Age 21?
At what age a person first tastes alcohol may not be as telling as the first time a person gets drunk. Researchers found that the longer a young person delayed his or her first intoxication—the better their health fared.
Working Together for Kids With Autism
There are many treatments for kids with autism. Parents may be happier with their child’s care if they work with the doctor to pick the best options.
Feeling Philanthropic?
The act of giving may be its own reward, but the benefits  don't end there. A recent study found that people who reflected on instances when they gave to others were more likely to be helpful, or give again.
Improving Quality of Life with IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be difficult to manage. Some IBS symptoms can limit your social and work activities. Some medications may enable patients to live a fuller life.
Skin Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes can affect all parts of your body, even your skin. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), as much as 33 percent of diabetes patients will have a skin disorder in their lifetimes. Fortunately, skin complications can be prevented.
Beyond ADHD
ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can cause a variety of behavioral problems among children on its own. However, new research is showing a potential connection between ADHD and other issues as these children enter adolescence.